Happening Oct 15: AMA with Tynan at Only What Matters

One week from today—noon Pacific Time on Monday Oct. 15—the blogger, author, and coach Tynan will join the Only What Matters community for an Ask Me Anything.

Tynan has written extensively about all kinds of topics of interest to us. He’s traveled full time with only a small backpack. He’s written about “the two main things worth building in life… an amazing group of friends and enough money to survive for a long time.” He’s put in time thought over many years to design a lifestyle focused on (you guessed it) only what matters.

Members can participate in the Tynan AMA. Non-members can join now—for free, by the way. Just make sure to sign up in advance, so you have time to get familiar with the community.


A Few Relevant Reads from Tynan’s Blog